Navigator Plugin

This plugin allow a new kind of user interaction, from now users do not need to be searching for hotpsots, which at the same time mess your panoramas, but rather just clicking around to any point in the panorama and go forward in case we can offer scenes in that direction, otherwise performing a specific action in order to make user know there's no way in that direction.

navigator plugin

As all the plugin information is generated by everpano 3D software, the plugin can not be used without the software.
There's a free version included, which allows a basic functionality, you can click around and jump to other panoramas. But you do not have the ability to set up any of the additional features, for that you will need a Navigator Plugin License

Free version

The free version is included in the software and all the projects created will include it.
You just need to declare it as a plugin an no additional attributes are allowed.

xml usage
								    <plugin name="navigator" keep="true" devices="html5" url="%VIEWER%/plugins/navigator.js" />
The next values will be used by the plugin, they are fixed values in the free version, if you would like to edit them you need a Navigator Plugin License

fixed attributes values for the free version
leftkey = "65"
rightkey = "68"
forwardkey = "87"
backwardkey = "83"
angletolerance = "60"
hotspotvisibility = "model"
notfoundmove = "10"
notfoundtime = "0.3"
navigationmode = "jumping"
navigationclick = "true"
navigationspeed = "100"
loadsceneblend = "BLEND"
loadsceneblendtime = "0.2"

0.- you need a everpano 3D License to make usage of the navigator plugin
1.- with the free version is not possible to set specific values, and the default ones will always be used
2.- you need a Navigator Plugin License to edit the attributes

Pro version

With the pro version of the Navigator Plugin License you can edit and have access to a bunch of attributes that will allow you to set up the plugin according to your own project and needs.

xml default usage
									<plugin name="navigator" keep="true" devices="html5"
leftKey = "65"
rightKey = "68"
forwardKey = "87"
backwardKey = "83"
upKey = "81"
downKey = "69"
angleTolerance = "60"
hotspotVisibility = "scene"
notFoundMove = "10"
notFoundTime = "0.3"
navigationMode = "jumping"
navigationClick = "true"
navigationSpeed = "80"
walkingSpeed = "0.1"
walkingFriction = "0.9"
walkRatioChange = "0.8"
loadsceneblendtime = "0.2"
editMode = "true"

Navigation modes

You will find to navigation modes, jumping which will mostly be used, and allow to use the keyboard keys to move in any of the 4 main directions; walking will allow you to move inside a panorama until another one is closer to your current location.

navigationMode = "walking | jumping"

Angle of tolerance

Setting the angle of tolerance will allow you to define the area where the plugin will be looking for new panoramas to load.

angleTolerance = "0 - 180"

Mode return

By default the plugin performs predefined actions once a new panorama has been located, or once no panorama is found. But you can also create your very own action in order to perform exactly what you would like to do. For doing that you will need to activate modeReturn

modeReturn = "true"
and on the other side you will need to specify the xml actions that you want to call to perform your custom behaviour :

When a scene is found in the specific direction, then the specific action defined in the returnAction attribute will be called.

returnAction = "sceneFound"
That action will recieve 2 arguments, %1 is the name of the scene and %2 is the distance from the current location to next scene, with those 2 values you can build your own action in xml so you have full freedom for your project creativity.

Scene found xml call back action
									<action name="sceneFound" >

debug('we have found %1 at a distance of %2');
loadscene(%1, null, MERGE|KEEPVIEW|KEEPMOVING, BLEND(0.5));
set(events.onviewloaded, null);
set(events.onkeydown, stoptween(view.tx|view.ty|;set(events.onkeydown,null); );
tween(view.tx|view.ty|, calc('' + image.ox + '|' + image.oy + '|' + image.oz), 2, default, set(events.onkeydown,null);

Note: distance can be used to calculate the time dynamically based on speed constant, so then the movements would be performed at same speed always

										<action name="sceneFound" >

debug('we have found %1 at a distance of %2'); set(distance,%2); set(speed,10);
calc(transitionTime,distance / speed);
loadscene(%1, null, MERGE|KEEPVIEW|KEEPMOVING, BLEND(0.5));
set(events.onviewloaded, null);
set(events.onkeydown, stoptween(view.tx|view.ty|;set(events.onkeydown,null); );
tween(view.tx|view.ty|, calc('' + image.ox + '|' + image.oy + '|' + image.oz), get(transitionTime), default, set(events.onkeydown,null);

You should also specify the action to perform when no scene was found

returnNotFoundAction = "sceneNotFound"
that one will recieve a single parameter with the position values from current and destination position. The amount of distance in that case is determined by the attribute notFoundMove so here the speed will always be stable.

Scene not found xml call back action
									<action name="sceneNotFound" >
debug('no scene was found, current location is x:', p0x,' z:',p0z,' and click point is x:',p1x,' z:', p1z);
tween(view.tx|, calc(p1x + '|' + p1z) ,0.3, default,tween(view.tx|, calc( p0x + '|' + p0z) ,0.3, default));

Finally we can define those 2 actions the found & not found but for the VR mode, so we can handle specific behaviour for that mode returnVRaction = "sceneVRFound" & returnNotFoundVRaction = "sceneVRNotFound". The values that we get in the arguments are the same as the ones described above.

Edit Mode

There's an edit mode set to true by default that will allow us to dinamically test the main attributes

editMode = "true | false"
navigator plugin edit mode

Note: After setting all the attributes, the values can be just copied using the copy to clipboard button

walking effect API

To control the plugin walking effect from outside the plugin.
That would allow to create your own buttons in krpano project to control the walking effect inside the navigator plugin from any where, buttons|keys|...

here a snippet code for that feature

<layer name="walkinfo_touch" keep="true" type="text" align="bottom" y="85"
html="drag around[br]for walking" bgalpha="0.3" devices="handheld"
css="color:#FFFFFF;text-align:center;" txtshadow="0 1 4 0x000000 1.0"
width="140" height="140" bgroundedge="180"

<action name="dragcontrol" scope="local">
calc(walkaround.forward, (mouse.y - my) * -0.25);
calc(walkaround.left, (mouse.x - mx) * -0.25);
copy(mx, mouse.x);
copy(my, mouse.y);
set(walkaround.left, 0);
set(walkaround.forward, 0);

Floor Hotspots

If you want to make quick and still nice projects, you can build tours only using references, no need to model any geometry.
When you render that type of project, everpano 3D will ask if you want to give some additional usage for that tour, we have 2 options here :

  1. navigator hotspots
  2. external depthmap

If we choose the first one, the navigator plugin will get configured so it can print the hotspots correctly.
The next attributes allow to customize the aspect of the floor hotspots :

floorspots = "true"
floorstylesize = "20"
floorstyleborder = "3"
floorstylealpha = "0.6"
floorstylebordercolor = "0x000000"
floorstylecirclecolor ="0xfafafa"

* additionally tooltips for the hotspots can be activated

floortooltip = "true"

Navigator Plugin Attributes

  1. leftkey
    • A this is the key code that triggers the action
      default value is 65
  2. rightkey
    • D this is the key code that triggers the action
      default value is 68
  3. forwardkey
    • W this is the key code that triggers the action
      default value is 87
  4. backwardkey
    • S this is the key code that triggers the action
      default value is 83
  5. upkey
    • Q this is the key code that triggers the action
      default value is 81
  6. downkey
    • E this is the key code that triggers the action
      default value is 69
  7. angletolerance
    • this is the angle used to project the cone that checks which scenes are on the sight of the user
      default value is 60
  8. hotspotvisibility
    • model | scene that attribute indicates whether the plugin check against all hotspots in the model or just those visible from the pano
      default value is scene
  9. notfoundmove
    • the amount of move that it will perform when no image is found in specific direction
      default value is 10
  10. notfoundtime
    • the amount of time that it will be used to perform the move when no image is found
      default value is 0.3
  11. navigationmode
    • walking | jumping we can have those 2 types of navigation mode
      default value is jumping
  12. navigationclick
    • allow to make click on the screen to navigate
      default value is true
  13. navigationspeed
    • this is the speed that user will be moving around when navigation method is used
      default value is 100
  14. walkingspeed
    • this is the speed that user will be moving around when walking
      default value is 0.1
  15. walkingfriction
    • this is the friction applied while user will be moving around when walking
      default value is 0.9
  16. walkratiochange
    • define in which point of the distance the transition to next pano is performed, values range from 0-1, 0.8 means we should be 80% more far from the current pano to the shortest to change
      default value is 0.8
  17. walktransition
    • this attribute, defines whether when walking (only in walk mode), the plugin need to perform a view transition to the position of the new found scene, or just keep the current position.
      default value is true
  18. loadsceneflags
    • the flags used to perform loadscene
      default value is MERGE|KEEPVIEW|KEEPMOVING
  19. loadscenevars
    • the vars used to perform loadscene
      default value is null
  20. loadsceneblend
    • the blend used to perform loadscene
      default value is BLEND
  21. loadsceneblendtime
    • the blend time used to perform loadscene
      default value is null
  22. modeReturn
    • By using this mode the plugin will not perform any loadscene, just return to specific var the name of the scene
      default value is false
  23. returnAction
    • the krpano action that will be called passing scene name and distance as arguments
  24. returnVRaction
    • the krpano action that will be called passing scene name and distance as arguments when user is in VR mode
  25. returnNotFoundAction
    • the krpano action that will be called when non scene is found while jumping
  26. returnNotFoundVRaction
    • the krpano action that will be called when non scene is found while jumping in VR mode
  27. depthmapUse
    • this attribute is for telling the plugin to perform a transition from scene 2 scene or just make a simple loadscene with zoom, so when we do not have depthmap is going to make nice transitions
      default value is true
  28. hapticfeedback
    • this attribute let us use the haptic feedback on the controllers to inform the user about if the plugin found or not a new scene after clicking on screen, not used in returnMode
      default value is true
  29. editmode
    • this attribute let us enable a bunch of sliders in order to adjust the specific behaviour we want.
      default value is true
  30. floorspots
    • show hotspots on the ground, used when no geometry is drawn in the model
      default value is false
  31. floortooltip
    • show tooltips when over floor hotspots
      default value is false
  32. floorStyleSize
    • defines the size of the hotspot
      default value is 20
  33. floorStyleBorder
    • defines the thickness of the border
      default value is 3
  34. floorStyleAlpha
    • defines the global alpha of the hotspot
      default value is 0.6
  35. floorStyleBordercolor
    • color of the border
      default value is 0x000000
  36. floorStyleCirclecolor
    • color of the inner circle
      default value is 0xfafafa


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